Early rise in the morning for our voyage to Highbourne Cay at the top end of the Exumas. Our travel from Nassau to Highbourne takes us through the Yellow and White Banks. This is an area of relatively shallow water, but with plenty of coral heads we need to keep watch for. These nasty things are 3 to4 feet below the surface and are as hard as cement and will do considerable damage to your hull or running gear. The weather was quite settled and with the sun well above the horizon as we crossed the headswere quite visible as a black spot in the water and we avoid them all.
Highbourne is a fairly open anchorage to the west, but we had calm seas for our three day stay. There is a marina in the south bay of the island, otherwise the entire island is private property and we really are not to go ashore. Here is where we also had our first encounter with Remoras and Nurse Sharks parking themselves under our boat. Nurse sharks are pretty benign but we chose not to swim anyways just to safe.
The sunsets are amazing as the anchorage is completely open to the west.
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