Monday, 12 August 2013


Sorry, its been a few days since we last updated and we encountered a few delays.

As we left Belleville, Bob was again affected with the gremlins and had the port engine shut down. After a few hours of us anchored in the Bay of Quinte with Jim and Bob doing the bilge rat thing, it was determined it would not restart with the tools and knowledge we had. So we slowly made our way to Grassy Point to anchor for the night. Bob refused any form of towing, and would have paddled before he would let any of us tie a line to him. This of course means we are skipping Napanee and our golf game for this cruise. Grassy Point was a nice anchorage and a very friendly cottager invited Bob and Rachel to use their dock for the dog landing.

The next morning it was off to Prinyers Cove, and the weather was sunny and very low winds for the journey.

The great thing about Prinyers Cove is Cathie's brother Len and Nancy have a cottage right there. Not only where they great hosts for an evening potluck, Len was gracious enough to drive to West Marine to pick up fuel filters for Bob. Unfortunately the filters were not  the problem.

After a good nights rest, we were all up early in the morning for an 8:00 am departure.

Bob decided that since he was on one engine we would leave early enough to get the 11:00 am bridge lift at Kingston and then he could get a wall dock at Rideau Marine and see the mechanic on Tuesday morning.

Holidaze and ourselves thought we would try Cedar Island for the night and luckily

enough there was dock space available. It would have been a tight fit for our boat, or we were going to raft to Holidaze, when the owners of One More Knight graciously offered  to move off the end of the dock to another spot to let us on. There certainly are good friendly boaters out there.

As we were tying up Rick and Darlene from September Dream motored by and waved hello as they continue on their year long journey to the Bahamas and back. If you wish to follow their blog it's

It also happens that Sassy Jody- Terry, Linda and Evelyn are starting their return trip back up the Rideau and arrived to the last dock here on Cedar Island. We had a great afternoon of chit chatting and our usual 4:00pm happy hour.

As the gremlins continue to jump from boat to boat this year, we discovered we had emptied a 1/3 of our fresh water into the bilge. The cold water line to the aft head had split, as was now in need of repair. Typical of boating the line is behind the smallest of areas up and behind the fuel tanks. There is no possible way to get to it, so I traced it back to where the line starts and with parts and pieces, stopped off the line. When we get back we will have  to run new lines through a different route to bypass the split.

On a positive note as we were all sitting around after dinner, a deer was spotted eating along the waters edge and could care less that we were watching, and remained there until dark.

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